Pullman Regional Hospital’s Guardian Angel Grateful Patient Program provides patients and loved ones a way to say “thank you” to a caregiver. If a physician, nurse, staff member, or volunteer has brought comfort to you in your time of need, please consider recognizing them with a gift to the Pullman Regional Hospital Foundation. Gifts to this special program pay tribute to the outstanding caregiver while helping provide resources for the hospital’s highest needs.
Carrie Coen honored Wednesday Lynn, Phlebotomist at Pullman Regional Hospital’s Laboratory, with a Guardian Angel award for the care she provided Carrie’s late husband.
For the last several years, Carrie’s husband, Chuck, had to have regular monthly blood work completed. “He was notorious for being hard to draw, and many times the staff would have to try multiple times to successfully get a vein or would have to get someone with more experience to come and try. When this happened, he would be very sore and have large areas of bruising in the days following the blood draw,” recalls Carrie.
Because of this, Chuck didn’t tolerate needles very well, and it created anxiety for him when he knew he had to go in for the bloodwork.
“In the last year prior to his death, he had wonderful experiences with Wednesday Lynn drawing his blood. She was always able to get it on the first try and was kind and patient with him. He would come home and rave about how good she was, and that he didn’t even feel it, and she never had to stick him twice!” says Carrie.
Carrie chose to make a Guardian Angel gift because “Chuck looked forward to coming to the hospital for lab work knowing that he would often get to have Wednesday work with him. It was this positive day-to-day experience that stood out to him, and I wanted to be able to acknowledge Wednesday’s role in making his healthcare journey much more pleasant and tolerable during the last year of his life.”
Wondering how your caregiver gets recognized? After you or your family makes a donation to the Pullman Regional Hospital Foundation in honor of the caregiver, the Guardian Angel will be notified of your generous donation. The Guardian Angel will receive a custom-crafted angel pin to proudly wear on their lapel. Their name will be published in the Foundation’s Annual Report, internal hospital communications, and recognized at hospital events.
If you’d like to learn more about the program or honor a Pullman Regional caregiver who impacted you, information is available on the Guardian Angel Program webpage.