The Health Blog

Labor and Delivery: No Pain, No Gain?

Written by Pullman Regional Hospital | Mar 24, 2022 7:30:18 PM

There’s quite a divide in the baby community: natural birth versus medicated. Some expecting mamas want to forgo medication and experience the feelings, contractions, and… pain of childbirth, while others opt to receive an epidural or other pain management option to help them during the delivery process. The team at Pullman Regional Hospital wants you to know there are options, and changing your mind at most any point is something the anesthesia team can deliver on.  


At Pullman Regional Hospital, labor and delivery is a full team approach. Corey Johnson, CRNA at Pullman Anesthesia wants expecting moms to know that they have a whole team behind them throughout their delivery. “All facets of the childbirth care team from our environmental services team to CNAs, Nursing, anesthesia and your OB provider collaborate synergistically to make your birthing experience as successful and safe as possible for you and your baby,” says Johnson. 


Johnson also points out that “individually, we do not have control over the multiple variables that may come into play during the process of childbirth.” He emphasizes that having a birthing plan to strive towards is important, but being flexible with the plan is necessary, as some things are out of our ability to control. The most important thing- and the goal of each member of the childbirth care team at Pullman Regional Hospital- is to have a safe and healthy mother and baby when the childbirth process is complete. 


Pullman Anesthesia is available and ready to help expecting moms with their labor and birthing. “We know that deciding to have an epidural or other pain control services for your labor is a very personal choice,” says Johnson. He says that “Pullman Anesthesia will be ready and available to support you if called upon.” Epidural and spinal/intrathecal labor pain management services are available, as well as anesthesia, which is required for C-section births. 


Pullman Anesthesia also provides anesthesia consultative services for expecting moms who have questions or concerns not addressed by their OB provider. They also consult with scheduled C-sections prior to the surgery. These consultations help alleviate any unknowns or questions expecting moms have, as well as provide guidance on the birthing plan that they established with their OB provider. 


If you’d like to learn more about the services Pullman Anesthesia provides or would like to schedule a consultation, please call (509) 336-7570. 


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