The Health Blog

What is an Exercise Physiologist?

Written by Pullman Regional Hospital | Feb 3, 2020 10:21:05 PM

Our Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation program has a secret weapon:  exercise physiologists Reagan Lowe and Shania Hildreth . 


Recovering after a cardiac event or living with a pulmonary diagnosis is disconcerting for patients. They are often nervous about exerting themselves but exercise is the key to rehabilitating and getting back to normal activities.


That’s when exercise physiologists help.  Under the supervision of a physician hospitalist, Reagan and Shania work with patients who are oxygen dependent, or have COPD, pulmonary hypertension, or angina. They also work with patients post open heart or bypass surgeries.


“We educate, monitor, and encourage,” said Reagan, who has a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology.


The exercise physiologists in consultation with the hospitalist develop an individualized exercise program for the patient based on their limitations and medical goals.


“Every individual starts at their own pace,” said Shania, who also has a bachelor's degree in Kinesiology.  “We show them their heart rhythm strips as we monitor their heart and other vitals and educate them throughout the process.”


Patients can also benefit from our pharmacy, social services, and nutrition services, which often go hand in hand with cardiac or pulmonary rehabilitation experiences and can be coordinated by the exercise physiologists. 


Shania and Reagan both talk about the joy they feel when a patient who was tentative or depressed starting the program sees progress and develops supportive relationships with other patients who are going through the same recovery journey.


The program includes 36 sessions and is by physician referral. Click here to learn more!



Pictured: Reagan Lowe and Shania Hildreth, Exercise Physiologists at Pullman Regional Hospital




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